AdReport for Agencies

Elevate Your Media Shop's Strategy

  • Real-Time Insights: Monitor every campaign as it launches across the internet
  • Plan With Precision: Armed with comprehensive market knowledge, strategize for your clients using data from previous campaigns.
  • Industry-wide Advertising View: Identify which companies are advertising online, segmented by industry..
  • Expansive Creative Database: Dive into a continuously growing database of creative content, enhancing your campaign designs.
  • Know Your Competitors: Discover the clients they serve, the campaigns they launch, and the websites they collaborate with.
  • Detailed Advertiser Insight: Click on any advertiser profile to uncover when, where, how, and through which agency they advertise.
  • Complete Market Mapping: Study the entire landscape of online advertising, categorizing websites, campaigns, and more.
  • Effortless Campaign Tracking: Never waste a minute visiting websites to see live campaigns. With competition reports, create unlimited groups of websites, advertisers, and product categories to view all related campaigns with a single click.
  • Uncover Relationships: Discover the links between websites and media shops, advertisers and websites, media shops and product categories, as well as major group collaborations.

Empower Your Business: Gain today’s market knowledge that will significantly grow your client base and revenues.