AdReport does not provide automated reports (which are often wrong) just by finding banners on the internet. Our proprietary software, continuously developed since 2012, records all advertising activity, collects all creative assets (banners, videos, sponsored posts, etc.), classifies them with the use of advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence, and then human intervention curates the content. The result is the creation of truly valuable reports.
This curation allows us to filter out the “noise” from the information provided. Thus, communication sponsorships, swap ads, ‘house’ banners, and small, “neighborhood” companies whose advertising does not interest the vast majority of service users are filtered out.
Another difference from automated advertising recording services is that we differentiate campaigns into premium / GDN / programmatic, and with the cooperation of the advertising market, we register the media shop that launches each campaign.
Our subscribers know information like who advertises where, with what creative assets, what products and services competitive companies are launching, the activity of any industry, how many and which campaigns each website has, and how much each company or industry advertises through the cost estimation service.
By creating groups with the companies that interest you, you have the information you need immediately, all on one screen.